Good Morning,
I have an article for you today from Sean Nalewanyj of Muscle Gain Truth.
So much focus and attention is placed on the idea of “weight
loss” and “losing weight” that most typical beginners seem
to lose sight of the actual concrete goal of achieving a lean,
defined and healthy body…
Here's a hint...
It's NOT a simple matter of "losing weight".
In fact, let’s go ahead and remove the term “weight loss”
from our fitness vocabulary altogether.
It’s because “losing weight” is NOT what you should be
concerned with!
Losing body weight on its own will NOT allow you to achieve a
lean, cut and defined body. Instead, all of your focus must be
placed on changing your body composition.
The reason for this is simple…
Your body is made up of various different “types” of weight,
all of which contribute differently to your overall appearance
and health.
There are very “heavy” individuals who are in excellent
health with lean and impressive bodies... and there are very
“light” individuals who are in poor health with soft, flabby
and out-of-shape bodies.
Your overall body weight is made up of various different
components, such as body fat, muscle tissue, water and glycogen.
The haphazard approach of simply aiming to “lose weight” is
incredibly misguided as it does not take these specific types of
body weight into account.
In order to achieve your goal of a lean, energetic and healthy
body, your goal is to get rid of the excessive amounts of
“bad” body weight while maintaining as much “good” body
weight as you can.
To put it simply, the underlying goal of your entire program is
as follows…
Burn off body fat while maintaining lean muscle mass.
There are three primary reasons why you should focus on this...
First of all... one very important factor that determines your
body’s basal metabolic rate (the number of calories you burn at
rest) is the amount of lean muscle tissue you have on your body.
The more muscle you have, the faster your fat burning metabolism
Secondly... maintaining a reasonable level of muscular
development will allow you to achieve the shapely and athletic
appearance that the majority of you are probably striving for.
Finally... those who simply place themselves on “crash
diets” and attempt to drop large amounts of body weight over
short periods of time are inevitably doomed to fail. Such an
approach places the body into a starved state and actually
programs you to store more fat over the long run.
The body will react to severe calorie deficits by slowing down
the metabolism in an attempt to conserve energy, wasting away
lean muscle mass, and increasing the production of hormones that
inhibit fat loss.
The way to avoid all of the negative effects listed above is
Structure your “weight loss” approach in such a way that you
aim to gradually reduce your body fat levels while keeping your
lean muscle tissue levels in tact.
This is the ONLY realistic way to burn fat, keep it off over the
long run, and achieve the kind of lean and athletic appearance
that you strive for.
This is exactly the type of approach I outline in my full blown
fat burning package, "The Real Deal Body Transformation System".
I'll show you step by step how to melt through stubborn body fat
while maintaining as much lean muscle as possible.
Check it out at http://www.HowToBurnFat.com
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